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A child stops at a traffic light and pushes the button to ask for green light.

Helping kids to stay safe in traffic

How should I behave in traffic? In order to teach kids how to go by bike safely, the local youth traffic school regularly trains children at primary schools.
In order to intensify the knowledge of traffic rules, the K&L publishing house has created a colouring book including digital contents and easy tests in cooperation with the district of Guetersloh. We think that this is a great project!
That is why we support the project

The book teaches kids of the third and fourth grade about the dangers in traffic in a playful way. They learn how to look for signs, what makes a bike safe and why it makes sense to wear a helmet. Also, they get to know more about the correct proceeding in case of an accident.

A digital control system tells the children if they have solved the tasks in the book correctly.

Thanks to the support by many local companies, the kids receive these books for free. Duespohl is happy to be among them.

Would you like to find out more about the project? You can find further information in German language here.

Picture courtesy of: @ K&L Verlag