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Laminating lines
for panels

For your wider panels, Duespohl offers high performing lines that perform 2D lamination (surface and edges) as well as simultaneous lamination of the upper and lower side. You're looking for solutions for a perfect joint or J-Pull handles? This is where you find them. 


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MultiWrap Wide

MultiWrap Wide

The laminating line MultiWrap Wide laminates boards and panels made from wood composites or pvc with all usual surface materials on reels. It is available in 700 or 1000 mm working width. 

Ideal for

  • Window sills
  • Pannelling
  • Doors for furniture and kitchen cabinets
  • Panels and boards, wood & PVC
  • Furniture bodies
PowerWrap Wide

PowerWrap Wide

The PowerWrap Wide is a high-performance laminating line that not only laminates surfaces, but also their edges or recessed grips (J-Pull). Available in working widths 700, 1000 and 1400 it also laminates top and bottom simultaneously. 

Ideal for

  • Pannelling
  • Doors for furniture and kitchen cabinets
  • Panels and boards, wood & PVC
  • Furniture bodies

Do you need advice to choose the best machine for you?

We’ll help you find the best profile wrapping solution for your project.