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Primer application

Duespohl offers a solution for digital dosing of primer when working with felt strip application and an internationally established vacuum application system.



DigiApp is a digital dosing system for the primer application using felt strips. 
Adding a DigiApp to your new or existing profile wrapping machine, you will benefit from a uniform and reproducible dosing - independently from the production speed. The reliably constant applied quantity significantly increases process safety and prevents eventual claims.

Ideal for

  • Window profiles
  • Window sills
  • Other PVC profiles
PrimeStar ECOplus

PrimeStar ECOplus

The PrimeStar ECOplus is the revolutionary application system for VOC-reduced, NEP as well as completely pyrrolidone-free primers in the plastics processing industry. 

Ideal for

  • Window profiles
  • Window sills
  • Other PVC profiles
  • Profiles made from metal

Do you need advice to choose the solution for you?

We’ll help you find the best profile wrapping solution for your industry.