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Activity book for kids to learn traffic rules

Learn traffic rules the easy way

We are happy to be a sponsor!

How do I behave in traffic? To help kids learn to participate in traffic safely, the local traffic school does regular bike trainings at primary schools

As an essential part of this training, the K&L publishing house has created an activity book with digital contents and possibility to doublecheck the learning success. To develop they contents, they have cooperated with the local association for traffic safety. We think that this is a great social project!

This is why we support the project

The activity book teaches the kids who are 8 to 10 years old, traffic rules in a playful, easy way. They learn how to behave in traffic and can prepare for the final exam in which they obtain the "bike licence". The contents include traffic signs, the necessity of a helmet and biking equipment. Also, they find out how to react in case of an accident. The digital learning control system tells the kids if they have understood everything correclty. 

Thanks to the support of local companies like Duespohl, these activities can be distributed for free to kids at primary schools in the county. We are happy to sponsor this project. 

Picture credits: @ K&L Verlag