Development and
manufacturing of
profile wrapping
and laminating lines
Our products
Our applications

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News & Events

GlassBuild 2023, US
At GlassBuild in Atlanta, discover the latest foiling solutions made in Germany. Duespohl will...

FIT 2023 in Birmingham, UK
We're happy to exhibit at FIT show 2023 for the first time. Meet Benjamin Demirel, our UK Sales...

LIGNA 2023 in Hanover, Germany
Looking forward to meeting you again in Hanover. Do not miss the chance to see smart, productivity...

Conclusion of AI Marketplace project
The scope of the AI Marketplace is to create a central contact point for Artificial Intelligence...

New System ReelScan | Corporate News Düspohl
At LIGNA 2023, Duespohl presented the new system ReelScan that simplifies the identification of the...

FastChange - for a quicker set-up | Corporate News Düspohl
Changing from one profile geometry to another is one of the most time consuming challenges in...

Who’s Duespohl
Duespohl develops and manufactures profile wrapping lines, laminating lines including all components and related machines like slitting machines and parquet presses.

Torsten Fidyka - Profine Group
Oscar Taboas - Royo
Duespohl equipment has proved to be very reliable and has enabled us to meet and sometimes exceed our customer demands. The DigiApp has enabled us to accurately apply low VOC primer to our products which has both economic and environmental benefits. MulitiWrap is extremely user friendly enabling quick product change overs.
Nigel Coombes - Homeline UK
We work with the machine (EasyWrap Window) every day and are very happy with its performance and functionality. Operating the line is easy and uncomplicated, which helps us save time and optimise the working process. Also, the quality of the wrapped products is impeccable and corresponds to our high standards.
A further advantage is the higher production flexibility. We can easily adapt the machine to the needs and requirements of our customers to fulfill individual wishes. At the same time, foiling our own window profiles gives us more control of the entire production process. This results in higher quality and minimises wastage.
We would like to especially point out Duespohl's customers service. Whenever there is a question or problems, the employees are always available, friendly and competent.
Pascal Flesch - Franz Jäger GmbH
Adam Jaworecki - Trim-Tex Inc.